This project

This project

Is based on the training needs demanded by the society as a consequence of the active & healthy ageing of seniors, by the increase of their hope of life due to greater preventive practice, more efficient diagnoses and the development of healthcare policies more appropriate to their needs. Experiences and models for a quality ageing in community areas equivalent to that existing for the rest of people.

Our general objective is based on

  • The creation of an innovative training curriculum focused on formal and informal senior caregivers.
  • Specialised care according to seniors’ needs in active and health ageing.
  • Development in technology requires the staff to develop digital competences.
  • Implementation of a Quality Label regarding this professional profile.

But we also want to

  • Anticipate the needs of caring for an ageing population in order to avoid competence gaps while improving informal caregivers’ knowledge, skills and competences to respond to the Silver economy needs;
  • Embed CT4SilverCaregivers training in active & healthy ageing into the existing VET educational programmes, through the creation of certification methodology framework for active & healthy ageing and quality label.
  • Promote best practices to involve seniors and caregivers in the design of a new Silver caregiver Curriculum and training courses in active & healthy ageing.
  • Collaborate with all stakeholders (VET trainers/learners in health sector, policymakers, health professionals (formal and informal caregivers, as well as educational institutions), in partnership across Europe in order to achieve the needed change to sustain health.
  • Address the two fastest growing population in Europe, namely ageing population and job sector.
  • Provide long-term care with quality of life at home is proving to be a viable and cost-effective alternative to institutional care.
Project number: 2020-1-ES01-KA202-081989

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SEPIE - Erasmus+